The Cities 4 Global Health website is an initiative led by Cities for Global Health and co-led by Metropolis and the Euro-Latin-American Alliance of Cooperation among Cities, AL-LAs. This is part of the Live Learning Experience: beyond the immediate response to the outbreak, developed by UCLG and supported by UN-Habitat and Metropolis.

Some of MedCities members, as Tirana, have uploaded its plans.

Following the identification of the first two Covid-19 cases in Albania on March 9, 2020 and referring to the Albanian central government’s instructions to prevent the spread of the disease, the City of Tirana has since then canceled all public activities and shifted to remote working on shortened working hours. In the meantime, to ensure a smooth provision of key services, essential sectors continue their normal operation while abiding by the regulations in force during the outbreak of the pandemic.

Read here the complet report.