Following the BLUEFasma Living Labs (BLL) launching webinar organised by MedCities addressing local fish wholesale and retail sectors, participants were requested to express interest on obtaining free of cost technical assistance to try and enhance some practices in the fields of food loss, packaging, energy efficiency or mobility.

Business who had implemented enhancements in such fields shared their experience with the participants, who also learnt about existing financing sources to fund the implementation of such practices.

At least 4 SMES and one business support organisation have been selected to receive the guidance of circular economy experts to implement tailor made solutions. While support is mostly requested to shift to green energy schemes, the Union of Fish Retailers of Catalunya has engaged in a pilot test of 7 different types of 100% compostable packaging involving 5 fish shops of Barcelona. The testing will last for 2 weeks followed by an assessment of the most suitable options. The Union will further incorporate a circular economy section in its website to foster innovation towards sustainability in the sector.

These activities are especially relevant in the year that Barcelona has been nominated as World Sustainable Food Capital.

The actions are being implemented in the framework of the Interreg MED project BLUEFasma hand by hand with the Development Agency of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and with the support of ENT Foundation.

BLUEfasma– “Empowering innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters and networks in MED islands and coastal areas to support blue circular economy growth in fishing/aquaculture” – integrates and implements Circular Economy (CE) principles in the key blue growth sectors of fisheries and aquaculture to benefit Mediterranean insular and coastal areas in a novel/innovative way. The project team of 13 interdisciplinary institutions tackles the transnational challenge of continual depletion of natural resources and the below-EU-average MED CE innovation performance in fishing and aquaculture. Its overall objective is to empower innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters and networks, and public authorities to boost blue CE growth in coastal areas.

If you want to know more about the BLUEfasma project- from the IntereregMed Project-you can read the related news.

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