MedCities supports the elaboration of a territorial branding strategy Zgharta Ehden. Last 9th and 10th July, a participatory workshop was organized to launch the process and discuss the strategy for the elaboration of a territorial brand in Zgharta Ehden, in the framework of TerBrand project.
The tourism stakeholders of Zgharta Ehden were invited to participate in a training seminar, offered by an expert on territorial positioning and tourism promotion and an experienced marketing and communication company.
The workshop focused on the importance of positioning the territory as a destination for rural and mountain tourism in Lebanon and on the need for the establishment of destination management structures in order to actively communicate the attractiveness and the touristic offer.
A participatory methodology was designed in order to identify the image of the territory for tourists, residents and professionals of the touristic sector, which will be concluded in September 2019, and the branding strategy will be launched next October.
The project is funded by the Municipality of Barcelona and is implemented by MedCities in three Lebanese territories.
More info here.
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