In the frame of MADINATOUNA project, both cities in Tunisia have launched, with the technical and methodological support of MedCities, the first public conferences that will lead to their City Development Strategies.
Diagnosis of the urban development facts and challenges
Following the methodology proposes by MedCities for the 9 MADINATOUNA partners, the two cities have been working since August 2017 in the elaboration of the prediagnostic studies and the identification of the main Facts and Challenges in each city, in cooperation with the major stakeholders in each city. The local teams presented the diagnosis in the multi-stakeholder Commission that is piloting the strategy development in each city.
The local team in Gabès submitted the diagnosis to consultation and prioritisation by the stakeholders at the end of December 2017 while the city of Kairouan has done so during the last week of January. The conferences organised were the official launching of the City Strategy process in the two cities and they were adressed to the local stakeholders and civil society, with more than 100 persons participating respectively.
Launching the Strategic Framework Phase
The finalisation of the workshop leads to the initiation of the strategic framework phase in order to identify the objectives and strategic lines. This process will be undertaken in the following months and will include an important participation from civil society and other stakeholders.
The project is due to finalise by April 2018, and is being coordinated by UNPD for the 9 Municipalities. MedCities is the methodological partner and leads the strategy development in 2 of these cities.
More info HERE
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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