MedCities traveled to meet the teams of Tanger and Tétouan municipalities to agree on a project plan for the next 2 years. The TT-EMPLOI project seeks to provide training and employment opportunities for youth and women and reinforce the role of municipalities in the promotion of local employment, professional training and guidance, and entrepreneurship.

The project lasts from January 2023 to December 2024 and will implement the following key activities:

  • Carry out a diagnosis of the local labor market in the two cities of the action, Tangier and Tétouan, and of the local employment governance structures, as well as carry out training programs aimed at women and young people in order to support and accompany the formalization, professionalization and ecological transition of strategic economic sectors in both cities.´
  • Create a municipal professional guidance service aiming at improving the integration of women and young people into the labour market.
  • Develop a support entrepreneurship programme prioritizing the participation of women.
  • Organize employment fairs bringing together local companies and young job seekers.
  • Launch of communication campaigns to make the municipalities points of reference for information and guidance for young people and women.
  • Develop a multilevel employment governance action plan for the municipalities.
  • Implement a tailor-made training programme on active employment policies and project management for both municipal teams.
  • Organize an international study visit to Catalonia to learn about local and regional active employment policies, projects and support services.
  • Organize an international seminar on local employment governance and policies in Morocco with the participation of Mediterranean municipality members of MedCities.

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