Next march 26th and 27th, the 6th MARIE project Steering Committee Meeting will take place in Malta ( Palace Hotel, at Sliema), in order to revise, share and coordinate all actions taking place under the MARIE project.

The aim of the meeting will be to analyse in depth the corrent status of MARIE main outputs, specially the MEDBEES (Mediterranean Building Energy Efficiency Strategy) and the multilevel governance model,  and the status and possibilities of cooperation between the MED North & South shores.

The Meeting will count with representatives from all countries affected, and several of them will also address the public through round tables and direct speeches on top-relevance issues.

MedCities will participate on the debates as an associate member of the project. The topic of the discussion will be how to implement a model of multilevel governance and cooperation between public administrations that facilitate energy renewal processes. Integration of urban sustainability plans should be considered in regional and state strategies for energy renovation of buildings, as well as the situation of the southern cities and their possibilities of integration in the renewal process.