MedCities proudly announces that it has been awarded as partner in two projects recommended for funding under the ENI CBCMed program.
A total of 69 proposals were submitted to this call for capitalization projects, out of which 11 were selected, with a total budget of €11.5 million. This call will bring together 76 organisations from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. From the four thematic objectives addressed under the ENI CBC Med call, MedCities two projects fall under the category of Environment and Climate Change. In particular, the ENSERES project, led by the European Topic Centre of the Universidad de Málaga (ETC-UMA), will have a total budget of 1.099.884,03€ and will focus on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and on incorporating the Ecosystem-Based management approach into local development planning of coastal zones. MedCities will lead the “Transfer, replication & Upscaling” package, focused on increasing the capacity of local and regional stakeholders, and supporting intervention models in pilot sites as examples of transformative actions. The transferring activities will be implemented in the coastal territories of Sfax and the Gulf of Gabes in Tunisa –being MedCities member city Sfax full partner to the project- and in coastal and marine territories of Tyre, Lebanon.
The Med4Waste project is led by BETA Technological Center and it covers the priority set by the ENI CBC Med Program of Waste treatment and recycling, in particular by reducing municipal waste generation and promoting source-separated collection and its optimal exploitation. In this case, the project has a total budget of 1.110.655,24€. MedCities role in Med4Waste will consist mainly in contributing on capitalisaiton and transfer of best practices, by planning and implementing integrated municipal waste management mentoring schemes in 8 south mediterranean cities.
Both projects will be launched during the second semester of 2021 and will last last a total of 24 months.
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod