In the framework of the launching of the ENI CBC Med “Mediterranean Sea Basin” Programme, the Managing Authority, in collaboration with the Aqaba, Valencia Branch Offices and national authorities of partner countries, organizes information events in different countries. 

The Managing Authority and the national authorities of partner countries will organize in total six information events according to the following calendar:

  • Tunis, 17 October

Venue: Hôtel Sheraton, Avenue de la Ligue Arabe 
See draft agenda 
Registration closed. Please contact Mr. Federico Martire for any further information (contact details below).


  • Jerusalem, 25 October

Venue: Dan Panorama Hotel
See draft agenda


  • Ramallah, 26 October

Venue: Mövenpick Hotel, Almaysoun
See draft agenda

  • Beirut, 9 November (to be confirmed)
  • Amman, 10 November
  • Cairo, 22 November

​(As seats are limited, we recommend you to register as soon as possible)

These meetings aim to raise the awareness of potential beneficiaries and partners on the opportunities offered by the ENI CBC Med Programme, a multilateral initiative for cross-border cooperation (CBC) in the Mediterranean. The Programme has a budget of €200 million and is funded by the European Union under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).

By participating in these events, you will have the opportunity to:

  • benefit from the feedback of project beneficiaries whose proposals have been financially supported during the first generation of the Programme (2007-2013);
  • understand the strategic challenges and thematic objectives of the new 2014-2020 Programme;
  • get a preliminary overview of the contents, budget and participation rules related to the first call for proposals.

The registration form and the agenda of each event will be available on the ENI website. 

Please note that other events will be organized in all 13 participating countries once the first call for proposals is launched in order to provide potential applicants with full information on rules for submitting a project. 

For more information, please contact:

Federico Martire (for the event to be held in Tunis)
Coordinator of the Valencia’s Branch Office
Tel. +34 963 868 173

Esmat AlKaradsheh (for all the other events)
Coordinator of the Aqaba’s Branch Office
Tel. +962 3 2091000 (Ext 3439/3440)