In the frame of ValEUr Gabès project, funded by the EU Delegation in Tunisia, and coordinated by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) with the participation of the Municipality of Gabès and MedCities, several water stakeholders of the city discussed the proposed strategy for improving non-conventional water management and valorisation. The strategy was delivered by WE&B with the support of national expert Ms. Raoudha Gafrej, as a result of a participatory two-day workshop that was held in the end of July. On September 27th in an online meeting, the stakeholders discussed on strategic scenarios and possible projects to enhance the reuse of treated wastewater, improve the collection, infiltration, or reuse of rainwater, improve integrated water governance and management, and access to water-related funding.

In parallel to the Steering committee, the project celebrated a technical mission to improve local capacities on non-conventional water management. Representatives from Gabès Municipality, the Regional Commissariat of Agricultural Development and the National Sanitation Office visited several experiences from the metropolis of Barcelona in an exchange mission from the 27th to 29th September. Organised by AMB, the leader of the project, the delegation became acquainted with the Municipality of Barcelona sustainable urban drainage criteria in public and green space management, the Municipality of Sant Cugat norms that oblige new residential buildings to treat and reuse greywater, the AMB water infiltration techniques in parks and green areas or wastewater regeneration plants for industrial uses and for aquifer infiltration. This is the first technical mission of the project, the second is currently under preparation with the support of INSA Lyon, a French research institution associated with the project.

Lastly MedCities, partner of the project, participated on the 19th and 20th of September to the Mediterranean Institute of Water annual meeting. The two institutions will be working together in the frame of ValEUr Gabès project in organising a preparatory meeting for the next Mediterranean water forum. The preparatory regional event will be an opportunity to discuss the results of ValEUr Gabès and to contribute to the regional debates on sustainable water management, by bringing together several regional stakeholders.

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