In the frame of the USUDS project a technical assistance is taking place between the cities of Barcelona and Sousse in order to exchange experiences for the improvement of Water Cycle management and define a specific project for the exploitation of rain water resources in the area of the Olympic Stadium of Sousse.

This project was first identified in the mission that took place from the 26th to the 30th of January 2014 in Sousse, with the participation of Mr. Xavier Varela and Mrs. Maria José Chesa, experts from BARCELONA CICLE DE L’AIGUA, S.A., a public enterprise for the management of water resources, accompanied by Mrs. Cristina Corredoira from the Directorate of International Relations and Cooperation of the Municipality of Barcelona.

As a result, a delegation from Sousse visited Barcelona from the 25th to the 28th of March 2014 in order to advance on the definition of this project and get to know other experiences from the city of Barcelona. The delegation consists of Mr. Noureddine Hadj Ali, Regional Director of the National Sanitation Office (ONAS), Mr. Maher Amara, Deputy Director of Public Works in the City of Sousse, and Mrs. Khaoula Letaief, Environmental Expert for the Development Strategy of Sousse in USUDS. The Delegation had technical visits to the sewage system of Barcelona in Passeig de Sant Joan, to the purifying plant of El Prat, to the Water Cycle Installations in the Park Güell and the Centre of Advanced Exploitation where they were familiarised with the urban drainage of the city of Barcelona and the GIS systems for the management of water cycle. Furthermore, they were familiarised with concrete experiences on retention and use of rain water resources, such as the deposit of the Joan Miró Parc and the urban installations in the new neighbourhood of Marina Prat Vermell.

The delegation has had the opportunity to work together with BCA SA experts in order to advance the definition of the rain water deposit in the Olympic Stadium of Sousse, a project that emanates from the definition of the priorities of the city strategic plan on adequate water resources management.

Read more information on the first mission that took place in Sousse from the 26th to the 30th January.