The Cities 4 Global Health website is an initiative led by Cities for Global Health and co-led by Metropolis and the Euro-Latin-American Alliance of Cooperation among Cities, AL-LAs. This is part of the Live Learning Experience: beyond the immediate response to the outbreak, developed by UCLG and supported by UN-Habitat and Metropolis.

The Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) has a specific space on its web with general and concrete documents with all the necessary information about how to act during the COVID19 situation.

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona is sharing in its website special general information about transport, public space, socioeconomic measures and information monitoring.

Also, you can find specific documents in Cities 4 Global Health website like:

– Educational material for children’s learning

– How to separate domestic waste during COVID-19?

– Basic services garanteed in the metropolitan parks and beaches

– AMB Water and Energy supply measures during COVID-19 situation

– AMB Housing and Public work measures during COVID-19 situation

– Prevention measures on the public transport services due to COVID-19