
Réseau des Villes Tunisiennes Alliées pour le Climat et la Transition Energétique



Réseau des Villes Tunisiennes Alliées pour le Climat et la Transition Energétique

Project overview


Agence National de Maîtrise de l’Energie (National Energy Management Agency)


Institut pour le développement, l’environnement et l’énergie (Idé-e)





ADEME – French Environment and Energy Management Agency

REPIC – Renewable Energy, Energy and Resource Efficiency Promotion in International Cooperation

Strengthening the capacities of Tunisian Municipalities to implement energy transition actions through networking and transfer of experiences


The project “Network of Cities Allied for Climate and Energy Transition” (REV-ACTE) builds on the program ACTE (Alliance des Communes sur la Transition Energétique), of the Tunisian National Agency of Energy Management, to reinforce a part of the program not covered by other cooperation projects: networking and the horizontal exchange between committed cities.

Rev’ACTE aims to promote and facilitate the exchange and dissemination of good practices, solutions and tools related to energy management developed in Tunisian cities, also drawing on good practices in the Mediterranean. Through their participation in Rev’ACTE, the member cities contribute to the transfer of competence between communities, and reinforce their managerial and technical capacities necessary for the implementation of local energy actions.

The priority themes for the first phase of the network (2019-2020) are:

  • Optimized management of public lighting
  • Eco-Construction and Green Buildings
  • Energy production from renewable sources
  • Sustainable mobility


  • Development of a network of Tunisian cities committed to the energy transition;
  • Strengthening of technical and managerial capacities and the transfer of know-how between municipalities;
  • Development and enhancement of tools, including the preparation of a regional exchange platform (at the Mediterranean level).

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