Last 2nd of September INCIRCLE technical partners met online to evaluate the candidatures received and selected 6 replicating territories. InCircle will assist them in the creation of territorial strategies to increase circularity and sustainability of tourism and to support the relaunch of the sector in a post-covid time.

During the meeting, INCIRCLE Technical partners (AIT, ANETEL, AREA, CIVINET, EWA and MedCities) reviewed a total of 14 eligible candidatures according to the open call’s criteria, which was based on geographic and demographic standards and the promotion of sustainable tourism in their respective territories (see detailed selection criteria and general terms of the call here).

We received applications from a very diverse organisation profiles, including counties, group of municipalities, regions, public-private consortia and natural parks from four different Mediterranean countries. The quality of the candidatures was very high in terms of motivation, commitment and promotion of sustainable tourism.

The following territories have been awarded as replicators of the INCIRCLE project:

  • Attica Islands Regional Unit (GR)
  • Tourist board of Split-Dalmatia county (HR)
  • National Park Delta de l’Ebre (ES)
  • LAG Terra Barocca, Sicily (IT)
  • Begueda’s County Development Agency (ES)
  • Consorzio Oltrepò Mantovano (IT)

Each replicating territory will be accompanied by a technical partner who will support them in the development of their own circular tourism strategies by using:

  1. the guidance and support of an expert on sustainable touristic strategies
  2. the tools and methodologies developed by the project
  3. the support of territories who underwent the same procedure in the first InCircle phase
  4. the support of the experts who developed InCircle tools, through peer-review study visits and meetings

Moreover, they will implement tailor-made testing activities to tackle the specific needs and particularities of the touristic sector of the territory, especially by taking into account the needs risen after the covid-19. Such activities will be in line with the strategies under development, and will aim at tackling one or more of INCIRCLE four pillars (energy, waste, mobility and water).

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