MedCities delegation with Oriol Barba, MedCities Director, and Noé Viedma, Project Officer, visited Tangier and Tetouan to follow up together with the municipal teams the development of the first project activity: the elaboration of a territorial diagnosis of the labor and employment market in the two cities for the professional integration of young people and women.

This diagnosis should allow the identification of strategic economic sectors that could offer employment opportunities for the young population of each city, as well as an analysis of the professional profiles most in demand and of the present and future skills needs of the companies in the region.

Based on the diagnosis results, the project will then develop tailor-made training programs for young people in economic sectors likely to offer more employment opportunities. Moreover, a support incubation program for entrepreneurship projects run by women will be also launched on such potential economic sectors previously identified.

During their visit, on 12 and 13 July, MedCities met with representatives from both municipal teams, Tangier and Tetouan, the consultants’ team in charge of developing the diagnosis, and the Director of the Association ATIL, an NGO working to prevent social exclusion of young people in Tetouan. 

The TT-EMPLOI project seeks to provide training and employment opportunities for youth and women and reinforce the role of municipalities in the promotion of local employment, professional training, guidance, and entrepreneurship.

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