The kick-off meeting of the ProcuraMED, from the Innovative Sustainable economy mission, project took place in Lisbon, kindly hosted by IrRADIARE, a consultancy specialized in urban, local, and regional governance and public policies.
The project, led by the municipality of Narni in Italy, is funded under the Interreg Euro-MED programme and aims at supporting the transition towards competitive, innovative, sustainable, and resilient ecosystems in the Mediterranean developing innovation capacities of enterprises and local authorities, and the uptake of advanced green technologies through Strategic Procurement Procedures.
Being a transfer project, it will upscale and transfer the tools, strategies, and network developed in the framework of previous Interreg-MED projects on green and innovative public procurement by:
1. Develop advanced training and tailored counseling to public authorities and enterprises to boost the process of green innovative technology application in public services that will be gathered in a Strategic Procurement Unified Platform.
2. Creating a Euro-Mediterranean coalition boosting value chain and transnational cooperation between public procurers (demand side) and private enterprises (offer side). The coalition, led by MedCities, will have the mission to support both the possibility for the enterprises to propose their green innovative product in a Euro-Mediterranean market and for the public procurers to have access to a wider offer of solutions to be applied for improving services for citizens.
To support the network, MedCities will include a dedicated space in the MedUrbanTools platform to have a space in which experiences, best practices, innovative solutions, and procurements approaches may be shared creating opportunities for discussion and collaboration.
Furthermore, MedCities will be responsible for the organization of one international EXPO on Green Innovation by the end of 2025 to support innovative solutions development and market uptakes.
The project, which will last until March 2026, also counts on the participation of the municipalities of Sant Boi and Viladecans, from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, and the Greater Irbid Municipality (MedCities member) as associated partners.
Partners will now work on the development of the strategic procurement unified platform and meet again online for a follow–up meeting by the end of May.
For further information about the project please visit our website.
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