MedCities was at the Steering Committee of the Interreg EURO MED Governance project held in Albania and met with representatives and officers of its Albanian city members.

The partnership of the Green Living Areas project held its steering committee in Tirana (last 29th and 30th March), hosted by the Regional Center for Development and Cooperation from Albania. The meeting was held back to back with an official presentation of the project to Albanian stakeholders, which counted some high-level players, including the Mayor of the most recent city member of MedCities, Roskovec, Ms. Majlinda Bufi.

The Secretariat took the chance of this trip to Albania to meet informally with the international relations unit of Tirana City Council on the 30th of March and to visit the municipality of Durres on the 31st of March.

The coastal city’s vice-mayor Mr. Elio Jani presented the priorities of the city council in regard to sustainable tourism, and Ms. Kertücha (Directorate of International Relations and Projects), discussed the latest international projects the city has applied to and highlighted the positive outcomes of the city council’s experience participating at the Urban Transports Community project as a partner until December 2022. The visit was aimed at better understanding the context and current priorities of the municipality; identifying potential interest in regard to international funding opportunities and projects and informing the city council on the Association’s upcoming key activities and milestones. 

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