Minieh, Union of Municipalities


Minieh is the capital of the Miniyeh-Danniyeh District in North Governorate of Lebanon. Minya is located 96 km from Beirut at an altitude of 20 m above sea level. The town of Miniyeh serves as district capital during fall and winter, while the town of Syr Dinniyeh serves as a capital during spring and summer. The district is known for its natural richness. It extends over the northern and western hills of Al-Makmel mountain overlooking the Northern Lebanese and Syrian Coasts.

The Federation of Minieh Municipalities (اتحاد بلديات المنية) is a Lebanese local authority which is located in Minieh-Danniyeh District (Qada’a), an administrative division of North Lebanon Governorate (Mohafazah). The municipality is member of Federation of Minieh Municipalities.

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