We are happy to announce the launching, in February, of the second edition of the LASERMED project. The project called « From Local Action to the Enhancing of the Covenant of Mayors in the Mediterranean » will support the implementation of actions in the field of local socio-economic promotion in our city members Agadir and Zarqa, mainstreaming green and social inclusion values. Both cities will target the youth and women. The kickoff meeting gathered the MedCities General Secretariat, Agadir and Zarqa’s focal points, and the Barcelona Provincial Council. This meeting aimed to review the whole project, focusing on demonstrative activities to boost implementation just after Ramadhan.
In parallel, LASERMED 2024 wishes to build on the project’s first edition by creating a community of practice with our members’ cities, Sousse, As-Salt, and Zgharta-Ehden, in addition to the city council of Oujda. The whole community would learn from past and new lessons on how city councils can implement local policies to support and promote local economic development and social entrepreneurship. Thus, in the coming months, the community will be invited to a series of online and physical activities to pursue this unique learning endeavor.
Read here about the first edition of Lasermed project
Watch the summary video of the first edition here. Arabic version and Catalan version
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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Nam porttitor blandit accumsan. Ut vel dictum sem, a pretium dui. In malesuada enim in dolor euismod
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