Summit for the Mediterranean Macroregion


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Throughout 2023, the members of the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, together with the Euroregio Pyrenees-Mediterranean, the Euroregion Adriatic-Ionian, Medcities (under the Mediterranean Cooperation Alliance), the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, and the Economic and Social Committee, have intensified our work to promote the adoption of a Mediterranean Macroregional Strategy.

In the backdrop of these efforts, the Government of Catalonia has the pleasure to invite you to the “Summit for the Mediterranean Macroregion” that will take place in Barcelona on 24th November 2023. A few days ahead of the EU Southern Neighbourhood Ministerial Summit (Barcelona, 27th November), this event will convene key stakeholders and gather efforts to make the Mediterranean Macroregion a reality.
After the summit, a public event will open up the debate and illustrate the benefits and opportunities that a Mediterranean Macroregion can provide as an instrument to mitigate the effects and consequences of climate change in the region

Event upon invitation

Date and place
24 November (Friday)


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