27/07/2021 – 28/07/2021

Social Networks

The objective of which is to promote learning and exchange opportunities for member cities of MedCities around local migration reception action. Please, register here

Let us share with you aswell the Study of good practices in the reception of migrants in six municipalities in Tunisia  which we developed in collaboration with 6 Tunisian cities and the field work of Professor Boubakri. The conclusions of the study of the Tunisian context will be presented and discussed during this workshop, alongside the contribution of experts in the subject (Migration Work) and the Barcelona City Council (Director of Immigration), among others.

This workshop is intended to be participatory, your testimonials and proposals will be very welcome. Do not hesitate to come back to us if you are interested in including a specific speaking point on the agenda, we will do our best to accommodate it,

Looking forward to our discussion