Representatives of the cities of Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Nabeul, Bizerte, Mahdia and Tozeur gathered in the city of Sfax for the third workshop of Rev’Acte network, which brings together the 7 municipalities in order to build the capacities of local authorities for the implementation of energy transition actions at local level.

Representatives of the cities of Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Nabeul, Bizerte, Mahdia and Tozeur gathered in the city of Sfax for the third workshop of Rev’Acte network, which brings together the 7 municipalities in order to build the capacities of local authorities for the implementation of energy transition actions at local level and reinforce their knowledge and practices. The project is led by the National Agency for Energy Management in Tunisia and coordinated by Ide-e.

The workshop, held on last 5th March, was divided in three main parts. Initially the participants of the study visit in Barcelona, during December 2019, gave their feedback to the rest of the network members on lessons learnt from the study mission on public lighting and sustainable urban mobility.

At a second stage the members of Rev’ACTE network gathered in groups in order to share the advancement of the work of the four thematic working groups. It was an opportunity to exchange on the upcoming activities of the network, such as the educational videos that are currently being produced, the upcoming study visit to Marseille on energy efficient buildings and diversification of energy sources as well as the, under current development, platform of e-procedures for the implementation of energy transition actions by Tunisian municipalities.

Lastly, the members of the network received two training modules on energy project development and management. The participants received a theoretical session on project planning, budgeting, the organization of the project team, the piloting and the evaluation of the project. The second module was targeted on the communication and promotion of their project in front of stakeholders: determine their target audiences (eg elected officials, financial partners etc.), identify key messages by target and build an argument based on concrete communication tools.

The theoretical modules were followed by a practical workshop during which the participants, gathered in groups, worked together on the draft of a project proposal, the establishment of a time schedule and the construction of a provisional budget for a real « typical » municipal project proposed by the participants. Also, they worked on the development of a presentation of their project targeting an identified audience, which was later exposed in plenary session.