Both municipalities, Tangier and Tetouan, participating in the TT-Emploi project presented the activities in front of key local and regional stakeholders on employment and announced the creation of a committee targeting access to employment for youth and women.

Around 20 targeted organizations were invited to take part in the committee, including key stakeholders such as the Chamber of Commerce, ANAPEC, the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills, and the OFPPT, the Office of Vocational Training and Labour Promotion.

The main mission of the committee will be to gather key stakeholders on employment affairs, from institutional bodies to civil society organisations, to work together on access to employment for vulnerable groups such as youth and women. The design of the activities of the TT-Emploi project will serve as a pilot task for such a committee.  

The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss with them the preliminary results of the diagnosis on the labor market in the cities of Tangier and Tetouan for the professional integration of young people and women.

The TT-Emploi project is largely financed thanks to the contribution of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) and plans, among other activities, to organise a job fair in each of the cities and to implement professional training and mentorship programs to improve access to employment of young people and women.

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