Since mid-November, over 30 migrants have received language training and 80 more have been informed about the civil society entities deploying targeted services for migrants in the city of Tanger.

TangerAccueil aims to create a local information point for migrants about basic services, local entities and key addresses in the city, while offering a key-skills training cycle. The 18th december, International Migration Day, will mark a milestone in the project through the organisation of a public awareness raising activity around the project pilot phase results and future takeaways for the city migration management.

In October, the project steering committee agreed to assign the coordination of the pilot information (itinerary) point to the Organisation des Jeunes Africains based in Tangier. CMMA, together with other migration-focused local entities like Tadamum and Armid, were appointed to coordinate the training cycle. Between mid-November and until the end of the year, the plan is to organise 6 training sessions and make visits to different areas of the city.

So far 80 migrants have been contacted and informed about the services available in the city regarding health, education and training or legal accompaniment through the team animated by OJA, who have made 13 visits to different areas of the city. For this, the project has created visibility material and made electronic tools available to facilitate the contact and gather information. On the other side, over 30 migrants participated in the very first two training sessions focused on basic language skills in arabic, with a good return from participants. The same group will be targeted in 4 further sessions focusing on soft skills, cultural background and employability.

TangerAccueil is coordinated by MedCities in association with Tanger City Council, and funded by the European Commission and the Swiss Cooperation Agency in the frame of the MC2CM Programme that promotes city to city cooperation in the field of migration management. Between February 2020 and May 2021, the project was heavily affected by the limitations of the daily work at the city council and the impossibility to organise physical

gatherings and establish contact with the city’s local stakeholders.

Since May 2021, the project has successfully been relaunched thanks to the creation of a project steering group at the city council in Tangier, involving the services of international relations and of relations with the civil society. Two physical meetings have been held in 2021, July and October, including a short meeting with the Mayor, at the Tangier city council headquarters. A meeting was conducted by the city council with a group of 8 civil society organisations to discuss about the project objectives and involve them in its implementation (October 2021).

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