Promotion of local employment for young people and women & multi-level governance of employment in Tangier and Tetuan

CLOSED- From January 2023 until December 2024


Promotion of local employment for young people and women & multi-level governance of employment in Tangier and Tetuan

Project overview

TT-EMPLOI: promotion of local employment for young people and women & multi-level governance of employment in Tangier and Tetuan




250.000 €



The main objective of the TT Emploi project is to promote inter-institutional cooperation to guarantee the economic and social rights of women and young people in Morocco, as well as promote the operational role of the municipalities of Tangier and Tétouan in terms of the creation of employment, professional training & guidance and support for entrepreneurship at the local level, in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the MedCat 2030 Strategy.

Specific objectives

The main activities and objectives of the project are:

  • Strengthen the role of municipalities in terms of creating job opportunities, job guidance, and support for entrepreneurship in order to guarantee the economic and social rights of women and young people in Morocco.
  • Promote multi-level governance and improve collaboration between municipalities and state public institutions dedicated to promoting employment, professional training and guidance, and entrepreneurship, involving the Tanger-Tetuan-Alhoceima region and the Generalitat of Catalonia.
  • Transfer of learning and knowledge between local/regional/national institutions of the Mediterranean region (including the employment services of Morocco and Catalonia).

The first axis of the project seeks to strengthen the capacities of the municipalities in terms of creating job opportunities, job guidance, and support for entrepreneurship in order to guarantee the economic and social rights of women and young people in Morocco.

Main activities

  • Carry out a diagnosis of the local labor market in the two cities of the action, Tangier and Tetouan, and of the local employment governance structures, as well as carry out training programs aimed at women and young people in order to support and accompany the formalization, professionalization and ecological transition of strategic economic sectors in both cities.
  • Strengthen and/or create municipal professional guidance services aiming at improving the integration of women and young people into the labor market.
  • Develop a support entrepreneurship programme prioritizing the participation of women.
  • Organise local employment fairs that create opportunities for inter-institutional cooperation.
  • Launch of communication campaigns to make the municipalities points of reference for information and guidance for young people and women.

The second axis of the project will promote the participation of municipalities in the governance and decision-making process on employment policies. During the implementation of the project, exchange and contact of public stakeholders at the local/regional/national level will be promoted in the region of Tangier – Tetuan – Al Hoceima, with the participation of the Generalitat of Catalonia. A multilevel employment governance strategy will be developed per city and a tailor-made training programme on active employment policies and projects will be implemented for both municipal teams.

The third axis of the project will promote the transfer of knowledge between Mediterranean municipalities’ members of the MedCities network and of institutions in the field of economic promotion and labor market development in Catalonia. An international study visit to Catalonia will be organised to learn about local and regional active employment policies, projects and support services. Also, an international seminar on local employment governance and policies will be organised in Morocco with the participation of Mediterranean municipality members of MedCities.


The primary beneficiaries are the municipalities of Tanger and Tetouan. Upscaling transferring activities could benefit a wider array of member municipalities.

Main SDGs addressed

ODS 4: Quality Education

ODS 5: Gender Equality

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

ODS 10: Reduced inequalities

ODS 17: Partnerships for the goals

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