Community for Living Areas (C4LA)

Promote transformative governance towards greener and more liveable cities in the Mediterranean

EN CURSO- From January 2023 until October 2030

Community for Living Areas (C4LA)

Promote transformative governance towards greener and more liveable cities in the Mediterranean

Project overview

The Green Living Areas project, or C4LA, is an initiative funded under the EURO-Med program which will promote transformative governance towards greener and more liveable cities in the Med region.




5.000.000€ – 721.500 € (MedCities)


European Union


The Green Living Areas Thematic Community aims to amplify the transnational impact of the Euro-MED thematic projects, focusing on their contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation to ensure territorial resilience, citizens’ well-being, and the prosperity of the MED region through a green economy approach. The project establishes a governance structure that catalyses coordination among multiple stakeholders to achieve an effective call to action for green living areas.

Specific objectives

The main activities and objectives of the project are:

  • Obtain a set of transferable and replicable tools and outcomes from the thematic projects, to be used in the further phases, through the creation of a strong community with synergies and cooperation among the projects, and a clear common direction.
  • Contribute to better governance in the Med area through the transferring of the community results and their integration into policies.
  • Achieve jointly developed solutions with multi-level actors, ensuring society involvement through systemic thinking/co-creation approach to tackle governance challenges regarding climate change adaptation, citizens’ well-being and green transition.


The GLA thematic community’s main aim is to promote governance models that speed up the implementation of Climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions, through capacity building and knowledge transfer. Our proposal promotes the replicability of successful practices and results in an effective way in Mediterranean cities and towns, following a transnational approach.

MedCities will be leader of WP2 Transferring and will involve the city membres in a collective effort to promote and replicate good practices.

As a network of cities working on sustainable development through our experience in European projects, MedCities will engage in this project as a partner of the consortium and leader of Work Package 2 Transferring. MedCities will mobilize, consult and engage with local, regional and European stakeholders, and will lead capacity building, strategic support and transferring of knowledge. The mentoring scheme implemented in the Urban Transports Community, or the targeted support offered to cities and other takers across the MED Area will be put at the service of the consortium as relevant and effective methodologies to accompany transformative and policy-making processes towards sustainability in the region. MedCity holds expertise in the fields of urban strategic planning, nature-based solutions implementation, renewable energy or local economic development, which are in line and will be valuable for the scope of this project.


Local authorities will benefit from the grasping of innovative ideas, sharing of knowledge and Exchange of expertise.

The following MedCities’ membres will directly benefit from the project as associates: Sfax City Council, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) and City council of Valencia.

Main SDGs addressed

ODS 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

ODS 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

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