MedCities was present in the event “Fostering know-how transfer and Nature Based Solutions implementation, building alliances and a common Med policy for non-conventional water valorization (NCW) in the Mediterranean region” that took place in Tunis on 6 February 2023. 

The event gathered practitioners, investigators, policymakers, and entrepreneurs from several Mediterranean countries in a discussion aiming to identify drivers for scaling up Nature Based Solutions in urban areas and for mainstreaming the valorization of Non-conventional water resources. MedCities participated in the first round table on Renewed Water for Sustainable Cities and contributed to the debate by providing lessons learned from planning the management of municipal non-conventional water (NCW) in Gabès (Tunisia) as part of ValEUr Gabès project. During the debate, participants stressed the role that municipalities can play in conceptualizing NCW as a city system and in creating enabling conditions – regulatory, governance, or technical ones- for their wide implementation.

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