MedCities will provide training and guidance to municipalities in the definition of their strategic vision and the identification of integrated interventions.

As of January 2020, MedCities will be supporting several Tunisian municipalities in the framework of a recently launched national program, PRCA– Programme de regeneration des centres anciens/Old City Regeneration Program. This technical assistance operation is implemented by the French Development Agency, with funding from the European Union on funds from the Neighborhood Investment Facility (FIV), in conjunction with the partners of the UPFI initiative «Urban Projects Finance Initiative» (AFD, BEI, EU, UfM). The objective of «UPFI» is to bring about the emergence of sustainable urban projects in the South and East of the Mediterranean that meet the needs of the populations. MedCities mission to support municipalities in this process is commissioned by the AFD.

The main objective of the PRCA program is to revitalise historic city centres in Tunisia (often referred to as medinas), in order to improve the living conditions of their inhabitants and economic actors, and to strengthen their cultural, economic and cultural attractivity as a means to foster employment and growth. Indeed, Tunisia has many old quarters which constitute an important cultural and architectural heritage. These districts are however subjected to processes of demographic decrease, real estate degradation, social impoverishment and economic marginalization which threaten them as heritage and historical legacies and places of urban, economic and social dynamics.

The PRCA recently launched a call for expression of interests or AMI (available here), with which the Tunisian government encourages all municipalities to apply for direct support to implement regeneration operations in their cities. MedCities will assist local authorities in achieving that goal, by offering methodological guidance and support in the different phase of the programme.

Initially, MedCities will provide training and guidance to municipalities in the definition of their strategic vision and the identification of integrated interventions. This will be done with online international workshops, focusing on the exchange of experience and knowledge-transfer, as well as with online trainings on methodological aspects. In the other two phases, MedCities will provide capacity-building activities to those municipalities preselected by the PRCA through participative workshops and training sessions, and to selected cities through individualised support by an expert to assist municipalities in planning and launching the regeneration operations.

More information on the PRCA program is available here.