MedCities Dialogue: «Lebanese municipalities under aggression: everyday life and emergency»


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The association of Mediterranean municipalities MedCities-MedCités invites you to a new session of the MedCities Dialogues, which will take place on Tuesday 10 December at 5pm at the Pati Manning Auditorium. On this occasion, under the title ‘Lebanese municipalities under attack: daily life and emergency’, the Vice-president of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Ms. Elisenda Alamany, will talk with Mr. Mustafa Hijazi, member of the Municipal Council of the Lebanese city of Saida. The event will be presented and moderated by Dr. Gabriel Garroum (professor at Pompeu Fabra University).

We hope that this activity will be of interest to you and that you will be able to attend.

Please confirm your attendance by email: before 6 December.

Date and place

10 December, Barcelona

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