Tunis City Strategy was officially presented to its stakeholders in Tunis, on the occasion of a public conference.

This document is the result of a process of reflection that started several years ago on the development of the territory of Tunis within the framework of the EU-funded A’SIMA Tunis project. The process was divided into several phases (i.e. diagnosis, strategic framework, action plan) that involved more than 170 stakeholders from Greater Tunis, whether they were from the institutional, professional, or civil society fields as well as more than 10.000 citizens. It resulted in the elaboration of an action plan including 50 strategic projects, on the short, medium, and long terms, that reflect the aspirations and priorities identified by these stakeholders, belonging to the following 6 strategic fields:

  1. Attractiveness, prestige, metropolitan economic innovation (6 projects)
  2. Reclassification, articulation, and enhancement of the central core (10 projects)
  3. Socio-economic integration and inclusion, and regional articulation, revitalisation and promotion (12 projects)
  4. Regional resilience and eco-responsibility (7 projects)
  5. Effectiveness, and transparency in regional management (10 projects)
  6. Integrated and sustainable urban mobility (5 projects)

The conference, celebrated on Monday 24 February was chaired by the General Body for Prospecting and Support of Decentralized Processes, the Municipality of Tunis, and MedCities, introduced the work that was carried out by MedCities and the Municipality of Tunis, as implementing partners, throughout the years and its results. A specific roundtable focused on linking strategic priorities with funding opportunities as this is the main challenge for their implementation.

In total, 125 persons participated in this key event. The document summarizing Tunis City Strategy is available here: https://bit.ly/Tunis2050SDVT. It will be available in Arabic and English in the months to come.

In addition to this pivotal activity, another event took place in the same week, on Wednesday 26 February, as part of A’SIMA Tunis component aiming to improve sustainable waste management of the municipalities of Greater Tunis.

The event organized at the premises of the municipality of Tunis consisted in the presentation of the inter-municipal waste management strategy that resulted from the cooperation between the different municipalities that began in 2022. After a series of workshops on different themes revolving around waste management (collection, communication, governance, transfer, etc.), a strategy including strategic projects was drafted and submitted to the participants of the workshop, representing municipalities and stakeholders, to collect their feedbacks on the document and validate it. This feedback will be integrated to finalize the strategy.

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