The project TangerAccueil concluded its implementation last 31st March with an overall balance of 300 people reached and 10 civil society organisations directly involved in a rich program of activities for training, awareness, and dialogue.

The City council of Tanger has partnered with MedCities since January 2019 in the project TangerAccueil, an ambitious initiative aimed to strengthen the municipality’s role in the local migration governance scene. TangerAccueil was implemented in the frame of the MC2CM Programme, coordinated by ICMPD and funded by the European Union and the Swiss Cooperation Agency. 

Tanger is a city of transit for many groups, with important communities from sub-saharan african countries established in the city center and the outskirts’ neighbors. TangerAccueil aimed to foster local mechanisms to better integrate migrants living in the city of Tangier and to promote a permanent and solid dialogue between migrants, the municipality and civil society organizations active in the field of migration.

The project concretely tackled different gaps and needs identified by the Tanger city profile elaborated in the frame of the MC2CM Project, coordinated by ICMPD.

The results achieved by the project include : 

  • Secure good and targeted information for migrants on the services and facilities offered in the city: over 200 men and 80 women were reached by the pilot information point that visited up to 11 different neighborhoods in the city. A comprehensive flyer was produced in Arabic, English and French and disseminated during the visits. The activity was coordinated by the Organisation des Jeunes Africains based in Tanger. 
  • Strengthen key skills by running targeted training programs : up to 90 migrants, women and men, participated in 5 different training sessions providing basic language skills, job seeking capacities and direct contacts with local companies. 
  • Foster social cohesion and spaces for co-living in the city : the International Migrant’s Day of 2021 was celebrated by TangerAccueil with a football match and a ceremony with the participation of Tanger’s Social Affairs Vice-mayor. 
  • An international seminar for city to city knowledge exchange on migration governance was held July 2021 to showcase concrete solutions, with the participation of Barcelona City Council, Tanger City Council, Greater Irbid Municipality, among others. A report on the conclusions of the seminar was later on published. 
  • A mapping of over 50 local civil society organisations working on migration issues was followed by a round of meetings and discussions to define a feuille de route to create a local discussion space for the city council and local associations to discuss daily migration management and coordination needs. 

TangerAccueil concluded its implementation on the 31st of March, but the cooperation and dialogue with the city council will continue, accounting for the interest and goodwill the project has raised both inside and outside the city council.

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