The Second meeting of the Barcelona Metropolitan Working Group on urban agriculture took place at Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat, (Barcelona) on the 8th of June.

MADRE (Metropolitan Agriculture for Developing an Innovative, Sustainable and Responsible Economy) is an Interreg MED Modular project on Capitalisation that focuses on the priority axis 1 “Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth”.

Aiming at fostering a change process in the metropolitan food supply model, the project capitalizes on the wide set of academic knowledge, pilot actions and policies, networks and transnational cooperation in order to allow Metropolitan Peri-urban Agriculture (MPA) reaching a critical level in the MED area. In-depth assessment of available material will provide the baseline for an empowerment of MPA stakeholders and then to a formal commitment to initiate a transnational clustering process.

The MADRE project foresees the definition and implementation of Metropolitan Working Groups (MWG) in each territory involved on the project: Thessaloniki, Tirana, Bologna, Marseille, Montpellier and Barcelona.

The objective of all the MWG is to analyse the situation of the urban and periurban agriculture on the metropolitan areas, counting with the participation of actors representing the quadruple helix: local administrations, producers, scholars and consumers/ civil society.

Their analysis will feed the discussions at a transnational level, starting next fall, which will conduct to the definition of political recommendations for the Euro-Med region.

MedCities, with the support of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), was in charge of the organisation of the Barcelona MWG whose first meeting took place on May 16th.