The youth of M’Saken participated (6 and 7 February) in the election of its representatives for the M’Saken Youth Council as the finalisation of a process that started in September 2019, with the support of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, and culminated with the preparation of the elections ( and the celebration of a pre-electoral campaign. 

With the support of MedCities and of the Municipality of M’Saken, 689 young men and women from M’Saken participated in the elections of their 16 representatives, from among 35 candidates, representing the diferent neighborhoods. With a participation rate of 53%, ranging from 15% in neighborhoods with only one candidate to 87% as the highest rate, the election day was a complete success, with lots of energy and mobilisation. Prior to that some 24 youth associations elected their representatives in the Youth Council, 12 in total, which together with the 2 representatives of youth with functional diversity, complete the 30 seats in the Youth Council.

The electoral process was concluded with the vote counting in the presence of the candidates as observers and with the active participation of the electoral commission and the Municipality of M’Saken.

The final composition of  the Youth Council is as follows:

The inauguration of the Youth Council took place in February 21st, in the frame of the celebrations of the 100 years from the creation of the Municipality of M’Saken.




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