From the 24th to the 28th of January a training on Strategic Urban Planning and development of strategic projects took place in Jerash (Jordan).

Around 35 municipal representatives participated in the workshop, including the municipal council, the heads of municipal departments and districts, employees in the municipality and members of the local community.

This training forms part of the KTC AL Fayhaa activities for the dissemination of strategic planning and for updating existing strategies. The need for this training was identified in a mission carried out by the KTC Director in November 2015 together with Dr. Mohamed Bani Amer, expert in strategic planning, who has also undertaken the training.

The workshop took place during five days and was structured around two axis:

  • Training and building the capacities in the developmental strategic planning, based on the methodology promoted by MedCities:

The first four days of the training were dedicated to reviewing the methodology for building an appropriate development plan, based on an adequate diagnosis of the city, its needs, its strengths and weaknesses as well as on the correct definition of the vision of the city and of the projects that will bring the city closer to its vision.

  • Undertaking a specialized workshop to review Jerash developmental plan:

The last day of the training was dedicated to the practical review of Jerash development program, in order to update the mission and vision and to evaluate the level of implementation of its projects.

The participants agreed to the need of updating the development plan of Greater Jerash, so that it reflects the recent changes in the municipality, and of preparing project sheets with key indicators in order to be able to correctly follow-up and evaluate the strategy implementation.

Another training, on Economic Development Observatories, is foreseen during the month of March to representatives of both Jerash and Zarqa. These activities are carried out with the support of the Municipality of Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.