What is the award about?
The Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award was created in the framework of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD 2016-2025) as one of its flagship initiatives. The Award was established by virtue of COP 19 Decision IG.22/19 with the aim of recognizing the efforts of local authorities in promoting sustainable development in Mediterranean coastal cities.
The Award recognizes the role and contributions of cities and local authorities in fulfilling the UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention system’s vision for a healthy Mediterranean Sea and coast.
The objectives of the Award are to encourage local authorities to move towards a more environment-friendly future; enable local authorities to act as a role-model to inspire other cities; and, raise the awareness of the general public regarding the quality of the environment in their cities.
The call for applications for the 5th edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award (2024-2025) is open until 15 April 2025
Cities located along the Mediterranean coast are invited to apply by demonstrating concrete steps taken and progress achieved to protect the environment, improve the quality of life, and promote sustainable development. There is no size or population reference, i.e. both small towns or metropolitan cities are eligible to apply.
Applications submitted by local authorities should emphasize partnerships with civil society, the scientific community and the private sector, including actions aimed at promoting urban sustainability. Both achievements and plans for strengthening urban sustainability in a Mediterranean coastal context will be considered.
A simplified online application process
Representatives of candidate cities can submit their applications through the dedicated platform supported by INFO/RAC.
The simplified application form for the 5th edition (2024-2025) of the IEFCA Award, aims at facilitating broader participation from the Mediterranean municipalities. It maintains the four categories identified by Decision IG.22/19 (Nature and Biodiversity Protection, Built Environment, Social, Economic and Cultural Sustainability, Policy and Governance), while selecting a limited number of indicative directions within the given categories.
The application form is structured in the following four categories:
1. Nature and biodiversity protection
2. Built environment
3. Socio-economic and cultural sustainability
4. Planning and management
Two introductory workshops will be held to support cities in completing the application process, review the participation rules and a guided walkthrough of the Mediterranean Coastal Cities application form.
For more information: http://www.info-rac.org/iefca
REGISTER HERE to create your profile and to fill in the application form.
Please save for further updates the link to the application form that you received after registration.
Note that the application cannot be modified after submission.
The application form starts with a few general questions to better know the urban context of your city or agglomeration.
To familiarize yourself with the application form before fill-in online, you can download it through the following links: Word – PDF
For further information please contact: iefca@info-rac.org
Indicative Timeline
Useful links for Mediterranean cities wanted to apply
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