Last April 7th, the team of the KTC Alfayhaa visited the president of the Urban Community of Jerd El Kaiteh, a Municipality located in Akkar, East of Tripoli, Lebanon.

The Urban Community of Jerd EL Kaiteh is a Union of Municipalities grouping nine Municipalities in the region  of Akkar, in the North of Lebanon to the east of Tripoli.
The Union, created in 2005, signed a cooperation agreement with the Urban Community of AL FAYHAA in 2011. This agreement consists in cooperation in the sectors of Environment, Social and economic development.
The Union is located at about 1100-2300 m. above sea level and is very reach in forest, caves and rare trees. It is an ideal destination for experiential tourism like for example hiking. The region is very poor and is looking for exchange of know how in administrative issues as well as in many municipal topics.
AL Fayhaa explained to the president the objectives of USUDS, the mission of the KTC, how the platform will function and how the KTC is a good tool that will help the Union in the above needed issues, specially once they decide to realize their own strategic plan.