The TT-Emploi project, implemented in Tangier and Tetouan, Morocco municipalities, is a key initiative to strengthen interinstitutional cooperation to promote professional integration, support entrepreneurship, and enhance the economic and social rights of women and young people. Funded by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation of the Government of Catalonia, the project is built on three main pillars:

1. Strengthening municipal capacities in job creation and entrepreneurial support.

2. Enhancing local governance of employment policies.

3. Transferring good practices and knowledge to other Mediterranean cities.

In a context where unemployment, youth professional integration, and women’s empowerment remain critical challenges, TT-Emploi has provided a targeted response to local needs. This capitalisation report extracts key lessons from the project, identifying transferable elements that can benefit other Mediterranean cities. It highlights particularly effective actions and offers practical recommendations for adaptation in similar contexts.

By analysing the project’s results, challenges, and best practices, the report serves as a roadmap for municipalities looking to improve employment policies and professional integration of youngsters and women. It focuses on the project’s success factors, the innovative practices it introduced, and the obstacles it faced, while providing recommendations for replicating these initiatives elsewhere.

This capitalisation process contributes to future interventions in the region, emphasizing the importance of local governance and the integration of women and young people into economic dynamics.

The report is available in French and Arabic.

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