A change of mindset; this is what REUSEMED project has contributed to during the 3 years of the project duration. The project has implemented several reuse circuits in four different countries (Spain, Jordan, Tunis and Italy), which have helped to demonstrate the effectiveness of reusing and repairing as an alternative to purchasing new items and as a social cohesion and job-creation measure.

Now, the knowledge and experience generated during the project will expand to new territories through the Med4Waste mentoring voucher that is being implemented by MedCities. The cities of Deir Qanon el Naher and Madaba assisted the final event of REUSEMED project, as part of the twining activities with REUSEMED project and the city of Córdoba. During the final event, the participants of Med4Waste mentoring scheme met REUSEMED partners and could see the reuse circuits, infrastructures and festivals carried on in Deir Alla, Capannori, Sakiet Ezzit and Córdoba itself.

Córdoba, the host city of the event, organized a tour so that all participants could see all the initiatives the city is carrying on in order to promote the reuse. For example, the Free Books initiative, the reuse workshop and a repair center, a swop box for kid’s toys and another swop box for domestic items or clothes; or a canine swop box to reuse pet animal items. Organic waste reuse through community composting and its usage in community gardens was also an initiative the participants visited.

On the second day of the visit, the delegations of Deir Qanon ElNaher and Madaba met the environmental department of Córdoba city council, who have developed the ‘city climate change adaptation plan’ through a participatory process. Finally, they visited the waste separation plant in Córdoba, where they saw the automatized and manual systems to separate different types of plastics from cupboard and organic matter.

Now, Med4Wate mentoring cities will incorporate these experiences in the design or updates of their own waste management plans hand to hand with MedCities.

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