SIDIG MED makes social inclusion effective with the opening of a social garden managed by local organizations in Sant Boi, a municipality member of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona

12th of March is the opening date of Can Pinyol’s social gardens in Sant Boi de Llobregat. This space is the completitions of the SIDIGMED project in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.

This european project has served to the exchange of experiences in urban and periurban agriculture, with a focus on those transition spaces between the city and the countryside, as well as for the implementation of pilot projects in those areas managed by the citizens and non-profit institutions.

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona has participated with the construction of the social gardens in the outskirts of Sant Boi de Llobregat, that will be managed by the Marianao Foundation, an entity that works for social inclusion and firmly rooted in the neighbourhood, with the participation of other associations and local NGO’s.

SIDIG-MED is an european project from the ENPI CBC MED program between cities and metropolitan areas from north and south of the Mediterranean. Its partners are: the Royal Botanic Garden from Tell Ar-Rumman (Jordan), the Al-Balga Ministry of Agriculture –Jordan-, Mahdia –Tunisia-, Rome and the AMB, from the Infrastructures Directorate, the International Department and the Medcities network.

For more information of the project…